米达 博士
2001- 2005年/南开大学/学士
2005 -2008年/南开大学/硕士
2008 -2013年/爱丁堡大学/博士
2013- 2015年/爱丁堡大学/博士后
2015- 2020年/伦敦大学国王学院/博士后
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 代表性论文:
1. Ma S, Skarica M, Li Q, Xu C, Risgaard RD, Tebbenkamp ATN, Mato-Blanco X, Kovner R, Krsnik Ž, de Martin X, Luria V, Martí-Pérez X, Liang D, Karger A, Schmidt DK, Gomez-Sanchez Z, Qi C, Gobeske KT, Pochareddy S, Debnath A, Hottman CJ, Spurrier J, Teo L, Boghdadi AG, Homman-Ludiye J, Ely JJ, Daadi EW, Mi D, Daadi M, Marín O, Hof PR, Rasin MR, Bourne J, Sherwood CC, Santpere G, Girgenti MJ, Strittmatter SM, Sousa AMM*, Sestan N*. (2022) Molecular and cellular evolution of the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Science. abo7257.
2. Shi Y#, Wang M#, Mi D#, Lu T, Wang B, Dong H, Zhong S, Chen Y, Sun L, Zhou X, Ma Q, Liu Z, Wang W, Zhang J, Wu Q*, Marín O*, Wang X*. (2021) Mouse and human share conserved transcriptional programs for interneuron development. Science. 10; 374.
3. Mi, D#., Li, Z#., Lim, L., Li, M., Moissidis, M., Yang, Y., Gao, T., Hu, T.X., Pratt, T., Price, D.J., Sestan, N., and Marín, O*. (2018) Early emergence of cortical interneuron diversity in the mouse embryo. Science. 360, 81-85.
4. Lim, L#., Mi, D#., Llorca, A., and Marín, O*. (2018) Development and Functional Diversification of Cortical Interneurons. Neuron. 100, 294-313.
5. Mi D, Manuel MN, Huang Y-T, Mason JO and Price DJ*. (2018) Pax6 lengthens G1 phase and decreases oscillating Cdk6 levels in murine embryonic cortical progenitors. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 12:419. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00419.
6. Manuel MN#, Mi D#, Mason JO and Price DJ*. (2015) Regulation of cerebral cortical neurogenesis by the Pax6 transcription factor. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 9:70. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00070.
7. Mi, D., Carr, C.B., Georgala, P.A., Huang, Y.T., Manuel, M.N., Jeanes, E., Niisato, E., Sansom, S.N., Livesey, F.J., Theil, T., Hasenpusch-Theil, K., Simpson, T., Mason, J., and Price D.J*. (2013) Pax6 Exerts regional control of cortical progenitor proliferation via direct repression of Cdk6 and Hypophosphorylation of pRb. Neuron. 78, 269–284.
● 荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况:
IBRO World Congress Trave Grant (2019)
Guarantors of Brain Travel Award (2019)
University of Edinburgh/ NeuroResearchers Fund Award (2014)
Member of British Neuroscience Association (2013-2019)
● 联系方式:
通讯地址:北京市英国威廉希尔公司官网生物医学馆B202, 100084