李雪明 博士


1998-2002年 北京科技大学 材料物理系 学士

2002-2005年 北京科技大学 材料物理与化学系 硕士

2005-2009年 中科院物理研究所 凝聚态物理  博士

2009-2013年 加州大学旧金山分校  博士后

2014年至今 英国威廉希尔公司官网 助理教授、副教授

2014年至今 清华-北大生命科学联合中心,北京生物结构前沿研究中心 研究员


●  研究兴趣、领域:


●  代表性论文:

1. Chao Lin#, Li Zhang#, Ziying Zhang#, Yifeng Jiang#, Xueming Li*. Locating cellular contents during cryoFIB milling using cellular secondary-electron imaging. Journal of Structural Biology, 2023, 215, 108005.

2. Sihan Wang#, Heng Zhou#, Wei Chen#, Yifeng Jiang, Xuzhen Yan, Hong You*, Xueming Li*. CryoFIB milling large tissue samples for cryo-electron tomography. Scientific Reports, 2023,13, 5879.

3. Xinyu Zhang#, Tianfang Zhao#, Jiansheng Chen*, Yuan Shen*, Xueming Li*, EPicker is an exemplar-based continual learning approach for knowledge accumulation in cryoEM particle picking, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 2468

4. Xuzhong Yang#, Chao Lin#, Xudong Chen#, Shouqin Li#, Xueming Li*, Bailong Xiao*, Structure deformation and curvature sensing of PIEZO1 in lipid membranes, Nature, 2022, 604, 377-383

5. Mingxu Hu#, Qi Zhang#, Jing Yang*, Xueming Li*, Unit quaternion description of spatial rotations in 3D electron cryo-microscopy, Journal of Structural Biology, 2020, 212, 107601

6. Zhaofeng Yan#, Meng Yin#, Jianan Chen#, Xueming Li*, Assembly and Substrate Recognition of Curli Biogenesis System, Nature Communication, 2020, 11,241

7. Heng zhou#, Feng Luo#, Zhipu Luo#, Dan Li, Cong Liu*, Xueming Li*, Programming conventional electron microscopes for solving ultrahigh-resolution structures of small and macro-molecules, Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 10996-11003

8. Meijing Li#, Xian Xia#, Yuanyuan Tian#, Qi Jia#, Xiaoyu Liu#, Ying Lu, Ming Li*, Xueming Li*, and Zhucheng Chen*, Mechanism of DNA translocation underlying chromatin remodeling by Snf2, Nature, 2019, 567, 409-413

9. Heng Zhou#, Zhipu Luo#, Xueming Li*, Using Focus Ion Beam to Prepare Crystal Lamella for Electron Diffraction, Journal of Structural Biology, 2019, 205, 59-64

10. Mingxu Hu#, Hongkun Yu#, Kai Gu#, Zhao Wang, Huabin Ruan, Kunpeng Wang, Siyuan Ren, Bing Li, Lin Gan, Shizhen Xu, Guangwen Yang*, Yuan Shen*, Xueming Li*, A particle-filter framework for robust cryoEM 3D reconstruction, Nature Methods, 2018, 15, 1083-1089


●  联系方式:
