潘俊敏 博士
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 代表性论文:
1.Zhu X, Wang J, Li S, Lechtreck K, Pan J*. 2021. IFT54 directly interacts with kinesin-II and IFT dynein to regulate anterograde intraflagellar transport. EMBO J 40: e105781.
2.Li S, Wan KY, Chen W, Tao H, Liang X*, Pan J*. 2020. Functional exploration of heterotrimeric kinesin-II in IFT and ciliary length control in Chlamydomonas. eLife 9:e58868.
3.Zhao Q, Li S, Shao S, Wang Z, Pan J*. 2020. FLS2 Is a CDK-like Kinase That Directly Binds IFT70 and Is Required for Proper Ciliary Disassembly in Chlamydomonas. Plos Genet. 16(3):e1008561
4.Liang Y, Zhu X, Wu Q, Pan J*. 2018. Ciliary Length Sensing Regulates IFT Entry via Changes in FLA8/KIF3B Phosphorylation to Control Ciliary Assembly. Curr Biol. 28(15), 2429-2435.
5.Zhu B, Zhu X, Wang L, Liang Y, Feng Q, Pan J*. 2017. Functional exploration of the IFT-A complex in intraflagellar transport and ciliogenesis. PLoS Genet. 13(2):e1006627.
6.Hu J, Liang Y, He W, Pan J *. 2015. Cilia disassembly with two distinct phases of regulation. Cell Reports 10, 1803-1810.
7.Liang Y, Pang Y, Wu Q, Hu Z, Han X, Xu Y, Deng H, Pan J*. 2014. FLA8/KIF3B phosphorylation regulates kinesin-II interaction with IFT-B to control IFT entry and turnaround. Dev Cell. 30, 585-597.
8.Cao M, Meng D, Wang L, Bei S, Snell WJ*, Pan J*. 2013. Activation loop phosphorylation of a protein kinase is a molecular marker of organelle size that dynamically reports flagellar length. PNAS, 110, 12337-42.
● 荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况:
现任中国藻类学会副理事长,中国细胞生物学会细胞结构与行为分会副会长。eLife 编委 (review editor)。
● 联系方式:
邮箱: panjunmin@tsinghua.edu.cn
通讯地址: 北京海淀英国威廉希尔公司官网生命学院, 邮编100084